Interested in a move? We're here to help! The relocation & corporate services department of dilbeck real estate was founded back in the 1980’s by jill silvas. Jill lead the relocation department for many years & was successful in establishing an outstanding national reputation.
Over the years, the rcs department has remained a premier provider in the field of relocation, & has evolved into a multi-faceted division dedicated to the development & servicing of a wide range of business channels. The current range of services include:
Servicing the needs of local & national corporations w/ their relocating employees.
Developing corporate affinity services w/ local & national employers & organizations.
Servicing broker referrals from within our company, & to our company from realtors outside our market area.
Working w/ lenders & asset management companies in the disposition of reo properties.
Dilbeck relocation & corporate services team is comprised of:
Marlene Coakes
Maggie Ikemi
Kim Schulke
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